Permits, Forms & Fees
Apply for a Permit
First determine the scope of work by reviewing our Permit Types. Then follow the corresponding steps below.
Note: Beginning on January 1, 2025, all credit and debit card transactions made to the City of Pleasanton will be charged a 2.5% convenience fee. Payments made by cash or check will not be charged a convenience fee.
Building Permits
- Register for a Citizen Access account at Accela Citizen Access (
- Login to your account
- For help, view our“ACA register for an account” video
- Select “Create Application”. Review and accept the General Disclaimer terms.
- Click “Continue Application”
- Select the type of permit you need and click “Continue Application”
Complete the online form by using the directions to understand what is required for each section. If any steps or required information are missing, error messages will pop up at the top of the screen to inform you of what needs to be fixed.
For help, view our ACA “Create a Building Application on ACA” video.
Address Tip: For best results, please enter the Street Number ONLY and click “Search”. If only one address is available, it will populate the address, parcel number and owner. If multiple addresses are available, select the correct address for your project. If the parcel number or owner has recently changed, check the change of ownership box and submit the permit request.
Upload any plans/documents required for review. See guidelines below:
- Residential – Plan Check Submittal Requirements
- Commercial – Plan Check Submittal Requirements
- Electronic Format Requirements
- After your permit request is successfully submitted, you will see the new record number in your Citizen Access account under “My Records”. The record status will be “Applied”.
- Processing staff will review new submittals in the order they are received. You will receive an email that it has been received and is under review.
- The new request will be reviewed by staff to determine if enough information has been provided for processing. If required information is missing, you will be contacted via email with the information or actions necessary for the application to be processed.
- When all required information is provided, you will be sent an email to pay for plan review fees. Once paid online, the plans will be routed for plan review.
- When the application has been processed and review is completed, you will receive an email notification to pay fees online.
- After payment has been processed, you will automatically receive an email to log back into ACA to retrieve the plans and permit. The permit documents and job inspection card must be printed and be available on site for inspection.
Photovoltaic Permits (SolarAPP+)
Before applying for an automated solar plan review and solar permit, projects must follow certain requirements. At this time, SolarAPP+ is designed to provide a code-compliance check for the majority of single-family residential, roof-mounted, retrofit photovoltaic systems. To see which systems are eligible, please refer to the Eligibility Checklist. Only projects that conform to this list are eligible to use the automated SolarAPP+ portal for permitting. If not eligible, use Accela Citizen Access.
I. Submit for automated review through SolarAPP+
- To start using SolarAPP+, register and submit your design through the SolarAPP+.
- A processing fee will be charged by SolarAPP+. Download the approved documents.
II. Apply for a City of Pleasanton Permit
- Active City of Pleasanton Business License is required.
- You can contact Business License at (925) 931-5440 or at Business License – City of Pleasanton (
- Apply for a City of Pleasanton (Solar Permit with SolarAPP+) permit through Accela Citizen Access and upload the approved SolarAPP+ documents.
- Permit Technicians will review the submittal and you will receive updates via email.
III. Upon Approval
- Upon payment, you will receive your approved permit and receipt via email. Download the approved documents from Accela Citizen Access. Print the permit, approved documents, job inspection card and Smoke Alarm & Carbon Monoxide Alarm Certification Form to have on site for inspection. The project will not be finaled without a completed Smoke Alarm & Carbon Monoxide Alarm Certification Form (residential only).
- Schedule your inspection or call (925) 931-5322, extension 1.
IV. Revisions to Approved SolarAPP+ Permits
- Submit the revision through SolarAPP+ and download the revised approved documents.
- Through Accela Citizen Access, find your existing approved SolarAPP+ permit under “My Records” or use the search bar to search for the permit number.
- Upload the revised SolarAPP+ approved documents and Revision Form.
- Permit Technicians will be notified when there is a revision for review and you will receive updates via email.
Over-the-counter Building Permits
We offer over-the-counter building permits for a limited variety of projects. To find out if your project qualifies for same-day issuance, review our Express Permits guidelines.
- Fill out or download the Encroachment Permit Application
- If downloaded, please submit
- By Fax – (925) 931-5479
- In-person at 200 Old Bernal Avenue
Encroachment permits are typically issued on the same day. Some complicated encroachment permits with traffic control plans may require up to 4 business days to process.
Fire Permits
Effective July 1, 2024, all fire permits for construction projects are required to be submitted through the City of Pleasanton Accela Citizens Access (ACA Portal). Submittal guidelines and procedures are outlined below.
To apply for a fire permit for fire protection systems, underground storage permits, high-piled storage, etc., follow the corresponding steps below.
- Register for a Citizen Access account at Accela Citizen Access (
- Login to your account
- For help, view the “ACA register for an account” video
- Select “Create Application”. Review and accept the General Disclaimer terms.
- Click “Continue Application”
- Select the type of permit you need and click “Continue Application”
Complete the online form by using these directions to understand what is required for each section. If any steps or required information are missing, error messages will pop up at the top of the screen to inform you of what needs to be fixed.
For help, view our ACA “Create a Building Application on ACA” video.
Address Tip: For best results, please enter the Street Number ONLY and click “Search”. If only one address is available, it will populate the address, parcel number and owner. If multiple addresses are available, select the correct address for your project. If the parcel number or owner has recently changed, check the change of ownership box and submit the permit request.
- Upload the completed Permit Application and all plans/documents required for the review shall be submitted in pdf format.
- Follow the Electronic Fire Plan Check Submittal for required documents, formats, naming convention, etc.
- After your permit request is successfully submitted, you will see the new record number in your Citizen Access account under “My Records”. The record status will be “Applied”.
- Processing staff will review new submittals in the order they are received. You will receive an email that it has been received and is under review.
- The new request will be reviewed by staff to determine if enough information has been provided for processing. If required information is missing, you will be contacted via email with the information or actions necessary for the application to be processed.
- When all required information is provided, you will be sent an email to pay for plan review fees. Once paid online, the plans will be routed for plan review.
- When the application has been processed and review is completed, you will receive an email notification to pay fees online.
- After payment has been processed, you will automatically receive an email to log back into ACA to retrieve the plans and permit. The permit documents and job inspection card must be printed and be available on site for inspection.
Planning Permits
- Review PERMIT TYPES below to see submittal requirements for your project
- Fill out the Application for Development Review
- Complete Electronic Planning Submittal
- Fill out form
- Attach application for development review and all required information
- Click “Send”
ADU Information
Find more information on our ADU webpage.
AB 2234 Planning and Zoning – Housing Post-Entitlement Phase Permit Examples
Effective January 1, 2024, under AB 2234, local agencies must prepare post-entitlement permit application lists specifying required application materials. Local agencies are also required to post an example of a complete set of post-entitlement permits for at least 5 types of housing development projects, such as ADU, single-family, multi-family, mixed-use and townhomes.
New Mixed-Use
- Sample Application for Single-Family Dwelling
- Sample Energy Report Title 24 for Single-Family Dwelling
- Sample Plans for Single-Family Dwelling
- Sample Soils Report for Single-Family Dwelling
- Sample Stormwater Requirements Checklist for Single-Family Dwelling
- Sample Structural Calcs for Single-Family Dwelling
- Sample Trusses for Single-Family Dwelling
- Sample Zone 7 for Single-Family Dwelling
Permit Types
- Residential
- Residential Accessory Structure – sheds, gazebos, pools, trellis
- Residential Addition – attached ADUs, room additions, square footage additions
- Residential Alteration – reroof, kitchen and bathroom remodels
- Residential Demolition – full building demolition
- Residential New Construction – new homes, detached ADUs
- Residential Photo-Voltaic System – solar power systems
- Residential Trade – water heaters, electric panel upgrades, HVAC, EV Chargers, minor plumbing
- Commercial
- Commercial Accessory Structure – sheds, gazebos, pools, trellis
- Commercial Addition – new trash enclosure, square footage additions
- Commercial Alteration – reroof, tenant improvements
- Commercial Demolition – Interior or full building demolition
- Commercial New – new buildings
- Commercial Photo-Voltaic System – solar power system
- Commercial Trade – water heaters, electric panel upgrades, HVAC, EV Chargers, minor plumbing
- Encroachment – for use of public right-of-way including:
- Erecting poles, signs, other structures
- Temporary placement of PODs/moving storage boxes or dumpsters on the street
- Working on utilities on the street
- Parklets and/or sidewalk dining
- Repairing sidewalks, curb and gutter, or driveway approach
- Excavating/trenching or constructing within the right-of-way
- Planting any tree, shrub, grass, or other growing thing between the sidewalk and curb
- Installing/removing concrete or hardscape between the sidewalk and curb
- Placing displays, racks, signs, etc. on the sidewalk
If unsure whether encroachment permit is required, please call (925) 931-5650.
- Utility Encroachment Permits
The Public Works Inspections Division is responsible for the plan review and permit issuance for Utility Company infrastructure (i.e. pipes, poles, transformers, conduits, cabinets, underground vaults and other facilities) constructed within City streets and sidewalks by utility companies. The Utility Encroachment Permit Application and required attachments can be emailed to PW Inspections Division. Please note, the updated permit application includes a checklist of requirements to be incorporated in the project plans starting January 1, 2020. The checklist must be included with the utility encroachment application and incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
Application Submittal Requirements
- Administrative Design Review: Application for the following projects: additions to single-family residences, accessory structures higher than ten feet and fences, walls, or hedges between six and eight feet in height.
- Annexation: To change the jurisdiction of a parcel from another jurisdiction (i.e. the County or other city) to the City of Pleasanton
- Conditional Use Permit: Allows specific uses not otherwise allowed in a zoning district, subject to review by the Planning Commission and if the use can meet certain conditions.
- Condominium Conversion: To subdivide apartment buildings, apartment complexes, mobile home parks and commercial/office complexes into individually owned units.
- Design Review: Applies to exterior modifications of commercial and industrial buildings and some residential projects (additions, re-painting, landscaping removal, new custom homes, etc.)
- Historic Preservation: Policies, regulations and processes that apply to residential buildings in residentially zoned properties in the Downtown Specific Plan Area.
- Housing Site Compliance Review: Applies to residential development on housing sites designated and/or rezoned as part of the Housing Element Update of the General Plan.
- Lot Line Adjustment: Required to move a property line between two or more existing adjacent lots or parcels without creating a new log.
- Minor Conditional Use Permit: Allows specific uses not otherwise allowed in the zoning district, subject to review by the Zoning Administrator and if the use can meet certain conditions.
- Out of Area Service Agreement / Pre-Annexation Agreement: To connect to City water and/or sewer services to serve existing residence
- Outdoor Dining Permit: Application for any outdoor dining use.
- Parklet Design Review: To install a parklet in the City’s right-of-way in downtown.
- Parklets: Allow use of public right-of-way for outdoor dining and other business activities. Some expenses may be eligible for reimbursement, visit the City’s Parklet Grant page for more information.
- Personal Wireless Service Facilities: To install an antenna that provides coverage for cell phones to send and receive signals.
- Planned Unit Development: Required for establishing a new PUD Zoning District
- Planned Unit Development – Modifications: To modify a Planned Unit Development
- SB 35 Preliminary Application Form: Preliminary application for a multifamily housing development to apply for approval under SB 35
- SB 35 Information and Submittal Requirements: Information and formal submittal requirements for qualified multifamily housing development projects
- SB 35 Eligibility Checklist: Eligibility criteria / checklist for qualified multifamily housing development projects
- SB 35 Supplemental Application: Formal application in addition to the “Application for Development Review”
- SB 330 Information and Submittal Requirements
- Sign Design Review: Required for review of signage that does not conform to established sign criteria or where no sign program has been approved.
- Small Cell Wireless Facilities – Checklist
- Small Cell Wireless Facilities – Supplemental Requirements
- Subdivision: Required for dividing a parcel of land into smaller buildable sites.
- Temporary Use Permit: Allows specific uses in a zoning district on a temporary basis.
- Variance: Application for an exemption from compliance with the terms or conditions of a building or zoning regulation or ordinance.
Schedule an Inspection
Inspection services are available for new residential, commercial and industrial buildings, as well as building additions, remodels and changes in use.
Log in to Accela Citizen Access (ACA) and schedule appointment under Inspections tab.Text
Text “Schedule” to (844) 670-9753. For more scheduling options and information see our text instructions brochure.
Call our Voice Permits System at (925) 931-5322, ext. 1.Applications & Forms
- Accessible Path of Travel Worksheet 2025
- ADA Compliance
- Alternate Materials/Methods Request Form
- Application for Building & Safety Division Permits
- Credit Card Payment Application
- Electrical Service Load Calculation 2023
- Green Building Prescriptive Checklist – Non-Residential 2023
- Green Building Prescriptive Checklist – Residential 2023
- PCBs Screening Assessment Form – NEW
- Plumbing Fixtures Certificate of Compliance 2023
- Property Owner’s Packet
- Revision Form
- Roofing Permit Contractors Assumption of Liability
- Smoke Alarm & Carbon Monoxide Alarm Certification Form
- Special Inspection Agencies & Testing Schedule (March 2025)
- Water Softener Installation and Certificate
- Zone 7 Impervious Surface Worksheet (updated Dec 2019)
- Application for Development Review – 2025
- Application for Zoning Approval – Commercial 2023
- Application for Zoning Approval – Conduct Business in Home
- Application for Zoning Approval – Cottage Food Operation
- Application for Zoning Approval – Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations (MEHKO)
- Cottage Food Operation – application checklist items
- Initial Environmental Assessment
- SB 35 Preliminary Application Form
- SB 35 Supplemental Application (for formal submittal)
- Parklet Application Handout – Design Review (Alternate or custom design)
- Parklet Application Handout – Standard Design
- Standard Parklet Design Package(large file)
- Parklet Design Guidelines
- Parklet Location Eligibility Map
- Adjacent Business/Property Owner Approval Form
Handouts & Information
- Build it Green
- Commercial Submittal Requirements
- Demolition Permit Submittal Requirements – updated June 2023
- Digital Plan Submittal Requirements
- Disability Access Requirements and Resources (AB 3002)
- Disability Access Requirements and Resources (AB 3002) – Chinese Simplified
- Disability Access Requirements and Resources (AB 3002) – Chinese Traditional
- Disability Access Requirements and Resources (AB 3002) – Korean
- Disability Access Requirements and Resources (AB 3002) – Tagalog
- Disability Access Requirements and Resources (AB 3002) – Vietnamese
- Educational Occupancies 2023
- Electronic Building Plan Check Submittals
- Emergency Egress Window Requirements
- Energy Element of the General Plan
- EV Charging Station Checklist – Commercial and Multifamily 2023
- EV Charging System Checklist – Single-Family
- Gas Pipe Sizing
- Graywater Collection System Requirements
- Green Building Informational Handout
- Inspection Scheduling – updated July 2023
- LEED™ Handout
- Managing PCBs – Containing Building Materials during Demolition – NEW
- Over the Counter Plan Check – UPDATED June 2023
- Photovoltaic Submittal Requirements
- Pool Demolition Guidelines
- Pool Enclosures & Drowning Prevention Measures
- Residential and Civic Green Building Ordinance (PMC 17.50)
- Residential Bathroom Alteration Handout 2023
- Residential Green Building Checklists and Guidelines
- Residential Kitchen Alteration Handout 2023
- Residential Rainwater – Harvesting System
- Residential Submittal Requirements
- Residential Swimming Pool and Spa Review Requirements
- StopWaste
- Trash Enclosure Design Guidelines
- Waste Management Plan Requirements -Green Halo (updated 9-2022)
- Water Heather Requirements
- Accessory Dwelling Units & Junior Accessory Dwelling Units – NEW
- Application Submittal Requirements
- Downtown Historic Context Statement
- Downtown Historic Resource Survey 2015
- Electronic Planning Submittals – UPDATED
- GHG Checklist
- List of 91 Residential Structures Determined to be Historic Resources
- On-Site Project Notification Signs
- Real Estate Signs
- SB 330 Information and Preliminary Application Submittal Requirements
- SB9 Urban Lot Split and Housing Development Unit Handout
- Special Events
- Tree Removal
What is the Permit Center?
Where is the Permit Center located? When is it open? What’s the phone number?
Can I make an appointment with staff at the Permit Center?
Yes, though you can also stop by without an appointment during regular business hours, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. We are closed to the public on Friday.
What are the rules regarding construction hours?
Where can I get a building permit?
Do you offer Over-the-Counter plan review?
Over the counter plan review is by appointment only available Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Please contact the Building & Safety Division at (925) 931-5300 to schedule an appointment.