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Current Projects

Valley Avenue at Northway Road Traffic Signal Installation

Construction is underway for a new traffic signal at the intersection of Valley Avenue and Northway Road, adjacent to Harvest Park Middle School. The project will include new concrete curb extensions at the southwest and southeast corners and improved crosswalk accessibility. This project will improve traffic safety and efficiency for students, pedestrians, cyclists and motorists traveling through the area. 

The City Council Awarded a construction contract on April 16, 2024.  Construction started in June 2024. Project completion is anticipated by the end of 2024.

I-680/Sunol Boulevard Interchange Project

The goals of this project are to work with Caltrans to provide congestion relief, operational safety improvements and improve bicycle facilities through the interchange. The City will be the lead agency and will partner with the California State Department of Transportation during project development. Upon receipt of the environmental clearance, an 18-month detailed design will commence where the new overpass, ramp alignments and traffic signals will be finalized.

The City of Pleasanton and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) developed a Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration report for the I-680/Sunol Boulevard Interchange Improvement Project. Caltrans is the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) lead agency for the project and the City of Pleasanton is the project sponsor. The draft document is available at the Caltrans District 4 website.

A virtual public meeting was held April 19th to present the report and to solicit public feedback. The comment period for the report ended on May 8th. Caltrans finalized and signed the environmental Document (Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration) in July 2024. Soil testing and exploratory work to support project design has begun.

West Las Positas Boulevard Corridor Improvement Plan

The West Las Positas Boulevard Corridor Plan will create a new vision for the corridor, featuring an all ages and abilities bikeway network and improvements to pedestrian facilities. This project has been combined with the West Las Positas reconstruction project. The West Las Positas Boulevard Corridor Improvement Plan was approved by City Council on November 15, 2022. The City Council also authorized a more limited set of “quick build” pedestrian- and bicycle improvements that can be implemented in the near term on West Las Positas Boulevard, between Hopyard Road and Hacienda Drive. The quick build improvements were installed in April 2023. The West Las Positas Boulevard reconstruction project 35% design plans are estimated to be finished by summer 2023. The project is expected to be constructed in 2024 (construction funding has not yet been identified).


The City of Pleasanton adopted an update to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan in 2018. The updated Master Plan includes provisions to make the city more pedestrian and bicycle friendly by adopting a low-stress “all ages and abilities” infrastructure that can be used by the entire population. The Master Plan identifies the West Las Positas Boulevard corridor as the highest priority corridor for pedestrian and bicycle improvements. The Pleasanton City Council elevated the West Las Positas corridor improvements to a high-priority project in 2019 and reaffirmed its priority in 2021.


The City Council also prioritized the reconstruction of West Las Positas to fix the uneven surface along the roadway in 2021. The two high-priority projects were combined into a single project titled: THE WEST LAS POSITAS MULTIMODAL RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT.

The pedestrian and bicycle components of the West Las Positas Multimodal Reconstruction Project were developed with extensive public input and endorsed by the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Trails Committee in December 2019 and by City Council in 2022. At the November 15, 2022 City Council meeting staff was authorized to develop early phase (35% of final) design of West Las Positas and detailed cost estimates that will be presented to City Council for adoption in late summer/fall of 2023. City Council also authorized the “quick build” design using pavement markings and green delineators to provide near-term improvements around Hart Middle School.

Next Steps

At the July 16 2024 City Council meeting, staff will recommend a combination of short-term ” quick build” (Alternative 1) and a long-term “ultimate build” (Alternative 2)  that prioritize the repair of the segments of roadway that have experienced the most roadway settling, incorporate the concepts that will provide the greatest pedestrian and bicycle benefit with the remaining funds for the project and establish a timeline for construction for the first phase of the corridor. The two alternatives were developed for each segment that provided options to phase out the project, allowing for more segments of the multimodal concept to be implemented until the full funding can be identified. Click here for detailed 35% design plans.

Community Input Opportunities

Project background, concept plans and next steps will be presented to the public at several upcoming community meetings. The City encourages participation as community feedback is helpful when developing complete construction plans.

  • Hacienda Business Park (Virtual Meeting)
    Thursday, July 20, 2023 @ 2:30 pm
    (Please contact City for meeting invitation)
  • Bicycle, Pedestrian and Trails Committee Meeting
    Monday, July 24, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
    Pleasanton Senior Center
    5353 Sunol Blvd, Pleasanton
  • Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting
    Thursday, August 10, 2023, 7:00 p.m.
    City Council Chamber
    200 Old Bernal Avenue, Pleasanton

Additional Information

The project-related information can be found here:

1) Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan

2) West Las Positas Multimodal Reconstruction Project

3) 35-Percent Design Professional Services Approval Report

Should you have any questions or would like to provide additional comments on the design please contact the project engineer: Huy Ho at (925) 931-5663.