
The Public Works Department provides high-quality essential services that improve and maintain public infrastructure to protect and enrich the lives of our residents.

Customer Service & Utility Billing

The Customer Service Division provides administrative and financial support and customer service for the entire Public Works Department, including work requests, utility billing services, and dog licenses.


The Engineering Division designs, constructs, and maintains public infrastructure while reviewing private development projects. Its responsibilities include managing key functions such as Geologic Hazard Abatement Districts, Landscape Maintenance Districts, construction management, landscape architecture, and the Heritage Tree Preservation Program, which protects significant trees in Pleasanton.

Environmental Services

The Environmental Services Division provides oversight of a variety of environmentally responsible areas.

Operations & Maintenance

The Operations & Maintenance Division is comprised of three sections: Facilities, Fleet, and Streets & Traffic Safety, each playing a vital role in maintaining the City’s essential infrastructure.

Facilities oversees 139 publicly owned structures totaling over 500,000 square feet, providing custodial services, mechanical system maintenance, and specialized support for pools, pump systems, and HVAC units to ensure safe and functional city buildings.

Fleet supports critical city operations by maintaining reliable vehicles and equipment while ensuring compliance with sustainability and regulatory requirements.

Streets & Traffic Safety is responsible for maintaining and improving the City’s transportation infrastructure, including streets, sidewalks, streetlights, traffic signs, and storm drains, while also fabricating and installing traffic-related materials to enhance safety, accessibility, and efficiency.


The Parks Maintenance Division maintains over 385 developed acres of parkland at 46 sites, the City facility landscape, and 832 acres of open space, which includes 23 miles of trails. This division also manages the City’s Urban Forest, weed abatement, street median maintenance and irrigation, and projects.


The Utilities Division operates and maintains the City-owned potable water, recycled water, sewer, and storm drainage systems. This division is responsible for public health and safety compliance, infrastructure planning, Capital Improvement projects, and water supply planning. 

Waste & Recycling

This division oversees the City’s comprehensive solid waste collection and recycling program, ensuring compliance with State of California regulations for 20,000 residential accounts and 1,000 multifamily and commercial business accounts. Through efficient waste disposal systems and recycling initiatives, Pleasanton Garbage Services provides curbside collection, helping residents contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable community.


The Administration Division oversees essential functions such as personnel management, budget development and monitoring, accounts payable, and the creation and enforcement of department policies and procedures. The division manages contract administration and management and provides key support for City Council agenda reports. Additionally, the Administration Division fosters collaboration with vendors and regional agencies to maintain strong partnerships that benefit the community.

Customer Service & Utility Billing Division

The Customer Service and Utility Billing Division is the communications hub for the Public Works Department. Customers can pay their Utility bills, obtain a dog license and report any operations or maintenance issues related to City-maintained sites including water, sewer, streetlights, signs and parks. All service requests for Public Works are initially handled by this Division. There are approximately 22,600 utility billing customers.

The Customer Service and Utility Billing Division is located at 3333 Busch Rd in Pleasanton and the operating hours are Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, please contact us at (925) 931-5500. For after hours emergencies contact non-emergency Police dispatch at (925) 931-5100. 

Engineering Division

Engineering designs and constructs public facilities and reviews public improvements constructed by private property development. The Landscape Architecture Division works with the public and other City departments for the construction of new park projects, renovation of existing parks and other landscape replacement projects on City property.

Engineers on Duty (EOD) are available to answer questions and assist with any issues related to the Engineering Division.

EOD Service Hours

Qualified engineers are available to serve walk-in customers without the need to make an appointment at the City offices located at 200 Old Bernal Avenue. Staff is available in person Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and available by phone 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Residents can obtain encroachment permits, flood zone information, lot and tract maps, bid packages and can discuss general concerns pertaining to the City utility infrastructure at our service counter.

Environmental Services Division

The Environmental Services Division provides oversight of a variety of environmentally responsible areas, including recycled water connection and ongoing regulatory compliance, water conservation and education, Clean Water Program outreach, backflow protection program, industrial and storm water inspections, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit reporting, surface water permitting, air emissions, hazardous materials management and under/aboveground storage tank compliance.

Backflow Administration 
According to the State of California Health and Human Services Agency, Department of Health Services:

“The California Code of Regulations (CCR), requires public water systems to protect their water supplies from contamination by implementing a cross-connection control program. The scope of a comprehensive cross-connection control program must include provisions for the protection of the drinking water supply through the installation of appropriate backflow prevention assemblies at all water user’s connections where a hazard or potential hazard to the water supply is identified by the public water system (Title 17, Section 7584).”

The Backflow Administration Program:

  • Ensures annual testing is completed for all commercial and residential devices in the City of Pleasanton.
  • Provides necessary testing paperwork and information to customers with devices.

The City annually invoices a $60 per device administrative fee to maintain this program for the community. If devices are not tested in accordance with State laws and regulations, enforcement is taken and the customer’s water service may be discontinued. Pay the administrative fee to your tester, who will forward it to the City’s program administrator, Aqua Backflow.

Find out if your backflow preventer is due for a test! 

For additional information on test due notice, failed devices, list of approved testers, tester registration, or change of address, contact Aqua Backflow at (847) 742-2296.

Commercial Requirements  Improper disposal of fats, oils and grease (FOG) from cooking creates problems for both business owners and City of Pleasanton maintenance crews if the sewer system plugs.
  • Food service establishments must install either a grease interceptor or trap. (A variance must be granted by the City prior to the installation of a grease trap instead of an interceptor.) See Section 15.44 of the Pleasanton Municipal Code for regulations on Fats, Oils and Grease.
  • Grease interceptors shall be inspected at least monthly and maintained to ensure no collection system blockage but at a minimum once every two months.
  • Grease traps shall be inspected and maintained no less than bi-weekly.
  • Inspection/maintenance records shall be kept for at least two years and submitted to the City by 6/30 and 12/31 of each year. (A sample maintenance log is available here.)
  • Use only a State-registered Transporter of Inedible Kitchen Grease to service your grease removal device.
Residential Requirements Fats, oil and grease are present in many items. Cooking oils, condiments made with oils, meat juices and fat are examples.
  • Do not pour FOG down the drain. Doing so will clog sewer pipes.
  • Place FOG in a disposable container and dispose of it in the garbage.
  • Place all food scraps in the green waste recycling cart where they will be processed into rich compost material for gardening, landscaping and farming.

Operations & Maintenance Division

Join us in our commitment to enhancing public spaces, mobility, and safety by focusing on excellence, sustainability, and operational efficiency, ensuring a more vibrant, environmentally conscious, and seamlessly connected urban environment for all.


Elevating Community Spaces

The Facilities section is responsible for maintaining and enhancing over 139 publicly owned structures spanning more than 500,000 square feet of office, public, and maintenance spaces. From iconic venues like the Firehouse Arts Center and the Museum on Main, the commitment is to provide well-kept, functional spaces where the community thrives. The comprehensive scope includes custodial services, renovations, HVAC systems, pest control, electrical and plumbing systems, locksmithing, carpentry, painting, and drywall, as well as the intricate chemistry and pump systems of pools and fountains. Behind the scenes, expertise shines through in managing office reconfigurations and vital repairs, ensuring the seamless functioning of the city.


Empowering Efficient Mobility 

Efficiency and mobility converge in the Fleet section, responsible for overseeing a diverse fleet of over 325 vehicles and 120 equipment units serving various city departments. Our unwavering commitment to CARB compliance contributes to a cleaner environment, while our procurement proficiency ensures the perfect match of vehicles to their intended roles. From repairs to surplus management, our dedicated team handles it all. Furthermore, we take pride in managing Basic Terminal Inspection and DMV registration for all city-owned vehicles and equipment, guaranteeing compliance and optimal operational efficiency.

Greener Choices for Sustainability
In the Fleet section, we strategically determine the useful life of city-acquired vehicles and equipment through the Repair & Replacement Fund (R&R). As fuel expenses represent a significant portion of fleet costs, we prioritize greener alternatives to reduce these expenditures. The adoption of green fleet vehicles not only minimizes or eliminates fuel consumption but also leads to substantial savings. Whenever a vehicle or equipment is acquired, greener options are thoughtfully explored. These alternatives can encompass smaller vehicles, engines, or alternative fuels such as electric, hybrid, natural gas, and hydrogen-powered vehicles. While prioritizing sustainability, the final choice always aligns with the practical needs of the end-user, ensuring operational effectiveness for the City.

Streets and Traffic Safety

Enhancing Mobility and Safety

Paving the Path to Quality Infrastructure
The Streets and Traffic Safety section takes pride in ensuring smooth and safe transportation across the city through meticulous maintenance and repair initiatives. From repaving streets to maintaining critical signs and signals, our commitment to excellence drives every action.

Street Rehabilitation and Maintenance
Thanks to our dedicated team’s efforts, navigating through the city becomes a seamless experience. We undertake comprehensive maintenance and repairs for asphalt and concrete structures. Our expertise extends to streets, sidewalks, sound walls, and parking lots, ensuring your journey is comfortable and hazard-free. 

Street Sweeping for a Cleaner Tomorrow
A cleaner city is everyone’s pride, and our Street Sweeping program reflects this sentiment. The Streets & Traffic Safety section oversees the contract for regular street sweeping, keeping Downtown Pleasanton Business District streets, City parking lots and other areas pristine. Scheduled on specific days each month, this process relies on your cooperation by moving vehicles on sweeping days. For your Street Sweep day, visit our dedicated Street Sweeping page.

Clear and Safe Roadways: Signs, Signals, and Markings
The Streets and Traffic Safety team is dedicated to maintaining a safe and well-organized transportation network. From crafting, installing, and maintaining traffic control signs, our attention to detail shines through. Curbs, pavement lines, and legends on the city’s streets are skillfully painted to enhance clarity. Every year, the iconic red, yellow, and green curbs, along with city parking lots, receive a fresh coat of paint, ensuring you always find your way.

Illuminating Pathways: Street Lights
Our responsibility extends beyond roads and signs—we also manage the contract for street light maintenance and repair services. Ensuring well-lit streets enhances safety and security, making your journeys even more reliable.

Parks Division

The Parks Division maintains over 385 developed acres of parkland at 46 park sites and 832 acres of open space, which includes 23 miles of trails. In addition, our 31 staff members maintain and repair the sports fields, tennis, basketball, and pickle ball courts, dog parks, and picnic and play areas. The division is also responsible for the maintenance of:

The City is responsible for approximately 26,000 trees. 

The City maintains 85 acres of medians which is about 40% of all medians in the City. 

The City maintains landscapes around City facilities including Museum on Main, Library, Senior Center, City Hall, Operations Service Center, Veteran’s Memorial Building, and various City owned parking lots. 

The City is currently in the process of developing a 25-year Urban Forest Master Plan. 

Visit the Pleasanton Pioneer Cemetery page.

The City is responsible for annual weed abatement for City owned undeveloped parcels, open space and various streetscapes. Weed abatement helps with managing Fire Hazards in open space. If you have questions regarding weed abatement on private property, please contact LPFD at (925) 454-2361. If you have questions regarding weed abatement on City property, please contact Public Works at (925) 931-5500.

Utilities Division

The Utilities Division is responsible for potable and recycled water, sewer and storm drain systems:

  • Providing a high quality and dependable potable water supply to the residents and businesses of Pleasanton
  • Maintaining the City’s sewer system, which consists of 260 miles of sewer main
  • Providing 24-hour storm drain maintenance services for the community to protect the storm drain system, creeks, arroyos and other waterways from becoming polluted
  • Recycled water, for more information on Recycled Water Program

Water System

  • Bacteriological & Water Quality
  • Sampling
  • Computerized Control (SCADA System)
  • Distribution Stations & Storage Facilities
  • Home Service Line

Sewer System

  • Cleaning Lines & Video Inspection
  • Construction
  • Pump Stations (Monitoring, Underpass, etc.)
  • DSRSD Treatment Facility
  • Odor Hotline
  • Sewer System Management Plan
  • SSMP Change Log
  • SERP

Waste & Recycling Division

This Division is responsible for the City’s comprehensive solid waste collection and recycling program and ensuring State of California regulatory compliance for 20,000 residential accounts and 1000 Multifamily and commercial business accounts. Implementing efficient waste disposal systems and promoting recycling initiatives play a pivotal role in preserving the environment and fostering a healthier, greener community for residents.

Pleasanton residents subscribe to and participate in the City’s garbage and recycling curbside collection service provided by Pleasanton Garbage Services.