
The City of Pleasanton conducts public bidding for numerous products and services. Listed below is information regarding current bids. For additional information, contact the individual listed with the specific bid.

The City of Pleasanton Public Works Department also lists bids on Bidnet Direct.

Sewer Station S-14 Electrical Improvements

In order to be an eligible bidder, all interested parties must reach out to the Engineering Division and request to be added to the plan holderʼs list. Please see Notice to Bidders for more information The existing electrical and control panel for Sewer Station S-14 was in a below-grade vault and was damaged by flooding during the January 2023 storms. The station is currently operational with the use of temporary power and controls. This project will install a permanent outdoor electrical and control panel above ground to reduce the risk of damage from future storms. This work will consist of, but is not limited to, demolition and disposal of existing equipment vault, connecting to existing meter/main disconnect, installation of above ground Machine Control Center (MCC) and SCADA integration, installation of Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) and generator connection panel, installation of conduit and wiring, flowmeter, sump pumps, concrete pad, bypass power connection and operational maintenance of existing pump station motor controls and control system until the station is fully transferred to the new system, operational testing, start-up and commissioning. The Engineer’s cost estimate for the project is $500,000. Location: 6520 Alisal St, Pleasanton, CA 94566 (near the corner of Alisal Street and Alisal Court), GPS: 37.635246, -121.870615 The project is anticipated to be reimbursed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as part of Disaster Recovery from 4683DR-CA. Projects financed in whole or in part by Federal funds are subject to Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 26, “Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in Department of Transportation Financial Assistance Programs.” Certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, Minority Owned Business Enterprises, and Women Owned Business Enterprises are strongly encouraged to apply. The contractor shall make good faith efforts when procuring services. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation Level (DBE Goal) for this project is 12.0 percent. This percentage may change in the future; the contractor must adhere to any new Federal requirements. The contractor shall take the FEMA-recommended socioeconomic affirmative steps to ensure that small and minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are used when possible if subcontracts are used. The Contractor is required to submit proof of Good Faith Effort (GFE), which includes, but is not limited to, DBE solicitation documents and/or forms, phone logs, and email. The Contractor shall comply with Exhibit A – “Special Provisions – FEMA Federal Provisions,” Section XVIII “MBE/WBE Requirements” and submit “Exhibit B, DBE Subcontractor Utilization Form” with the bid. If the Contractor does not meet the MBE/WBE goal, they must submit a GFE with the bid. If the GFE documentation is not submitted with the bid, it must be submitted by 4 p.m. next business day after the bid opening. The submittal must include the name of the contractor, the project name and other relevant information. There will be no pre-bid meeting held for this project.

Project Number24265
Advertisement DateJanuary 17, 2025
Bid DateFebruary 19, 2025 by 2:00pm
Submittal Addresses
MailingIn person delivery
City Clerk’s Office
City of Pleasanton
P.O. Box 520
Pleasanton, CA 94566
City Clerk’s Office
City of Pleasanton
123 Main Street
Pleasanton, CA 94566
Online Bid PacketCIP24265 Plans
CIP24265 Specs
Addendum #1
Plan Holder List -CIP 24265
ContactSM Saklaen  Associate Civil Engineer (925) 931-5658
Online Bid ResponseOnline Bid Response is not available for this City Bid


Annual Curb & Gutter for Street Resurfacing Project

In order to be an eligible bidder, interested bidders must contact the City and request to be added to the bidders list. Please see the Notice to Bidders for more information. The project replaces concrete in preparation for the City’s annual resurfacing program and will consist of, but is not limited to, replacing 51 pedestrian ramps, approximately 3,500 square feet of sidewalk and driveways, 660 linear feet of curb and gutter, 380 linear feet of median island curb, installation of 7 glue-down ADA domes, and grinding the curb lip flush as well as associated work. The Engineer’s cost estimate for the project is $610,000.

Project Number25509
Advertisement DateJanuary 6, 2025
Bid DateJanuary 22, 202 by 2:00pm
Submittal Addresses
MailingIn person delivery
City Clerk’s Office
City of Pleasanton
P.O. Box 520
Pleasanton, CA 94566
City Clerk’s Office
City of Pleasanton
123 Main Street
Pleasanton, CA 94566
Online Bid Packet

Bid Set
Addendum No. 1 & Plan Holders List

ContactSu Nguyen  Engineering Technician II (925) 931-5662
Online Bid ResponseOnline Bid Response is not available for this City Bid