Contact Us

Emergency 9-1-1
Police Non-Emergency (925) 931-5100 

Function/Dept/Unit Phone
Abandoned Vehicles (925) 931-5277
Alternate Response Unit (925) 931-5252
Animal Services (925) 931-5100
Fax (925) 931-5480
Graffiti Hotline (925) 931-5253
Homeless Outreach (925) 931-5255
Investigations (925) 931-5234
Media Relations (925) 931-5108
Office of the Chief of Police (925) 931-5201
Personnel and Training (925) 931-5215
Permitting (925) 931-5219
Property/Evidence Clerk (925) 931-5157
Records (925) 931-5125
Special Events (925) 931-5221
Traffic Concerns (925) 931-5277
Traffic Unit Supervisor (925) 931-5262
Volunteers/Community Engagement (925) 931-5221

Compliments & Concerns

The Pleasanton Police Department strives to provide the highest quality of service in a courteous and professional manner. Those whom we serve are an important source of information and feedback about the quality of our service. Also, unfortunately in the course of police operations, conflicts or misunderstandings may arise between Police Department Employees and community members. Recognizing this fact we have an established procedure that permits members of the community to report Police Department employee conduct that they feel is exemplary or unprofessional. Please contact the Police Department at (925) 931-5100 and ask to speak with the On-Duty Watch Commander or ask for the On-Duty Watch Commander at the front Counter for compliments or concerns, or fill out a Personnel Complaint Form

For more information, see FAQs.