Bike Month & Bike to Wherever Day in Pleasanton

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Did you know that May is National Bike Month? We would like to encourage YOU to celebrate National Bike Month by participating in events, such as the regional Bay Area event Bike To Work Day, or challenge yourself to bike to work, or wherever, all month long!

Bike to Work Day (BTWD) was a celebration of bicycles as a fun and healthy way to get to work, as well as an opportunity for those who don’t usually bike commute to try it out! Now Bike to Work Day has evolved into Bike to Wherever Days and will take place during the month of May, just as it did in 2020, 2021, and 2022. In 2023, we are fully embracing the new hybrid model of our work and life models and are encouraging everyone to pedal to do errands, visit friends from a safe distance, commute to work if you are going in, ride recreationally — heck, ride anywhere you need to go if possible!

Energizer Stations hosted by the cities of Dublin and Pleasanton, Hacienda, and Veeva Systems will be set up at the Dublin/Pleasanton and West Dublin/Pleasanton BART stations on Bike To Work (Wherever) Day, Thursday, May 18, between 7 a.m. – 9 p.m., so be sure to ride by and grab a bike bag, light refreshments, and even enter the Gift Pleasanton raffle for a chance to win a $25 Gift Pleasanton eGift card to use at any participating location in town.

Find more information about Bike to Wherever Day and find more Energizer Stations here.