Community Development Block Grant
Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plans
The City of Pleasanton, as an entitlement jurisdiction, is allocated annual federal CDBG funds from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). The CDBG Program funds programs that benefit low income (80% AMI) individuals and families in Pleasanton. As a condition of receiving its annual CDBG allocation, the City is required to submit a “Consolidated Plan” every five years and an “Annual Action Plan” every year. While the Consolidated Plan establishes the City’s housing and community development goals, the Annual Action Plans list projects and activities to be funded with CDBG funds.
The City’s FY2020-2024 Consolidated Plan, which includes the FY2020-2021 Annual Action Plan, has been approved by HUD.
If you have any questions regarding the CDBG Program, please contact Steve Hernandez, Housing Manager in the City’s Housing Division via email or at (925) 931-5007.
Annual Action Plans
The City’s Annual Action Plans describes the projects to be funded with federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD).
- Proposed FY2024/25 HUD Annual Actional Plan has been submitted and is awaiting HUD approval.
- Substantial Amendment to FY2022/23 HUD Annual Action Plan
- FY2023/24 HUD Annual Action Plan
- FY2022/23 HUD Annual Action Plan
- FY2021/22 HUD Annual Action Plan
Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report (CAPER)
The Pleasanton City’s CAPER is an annual assessment of the City’s progress towards meeting the Consolidated Plan goals and highlights the accomplishments of the CDBG-funded programs proposed in its Annual Action Plan.
- Proposed FY2023-2024 CAPER has been submitted and is awaiting HUD approval.
- FY2022-2023 CAPER
- FY2021-2022 CAPER
- FY2020-2021 CAPER
HUD-approved Citizen Participation Plan
Housing & Human Services Grant
Grants for Non-Profit Agencies
- The City provides grants to nonprofit agencies that provide housing and human services primarily to low-income residents through its Housing and Human Services Grant (HHSG) program.
- The HHSG program is based on funding from federal sources such as the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) programs, as well as local funding sources.
- The links below provide important information on the HHSG program including the timeline for submitting annual applications and the review process:
There is a mandatory workshop to apply for the City’s FY2025/2026 HHSG program on December 4, 2024, via Zoom between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. All attendees must register here to participate.
Current Funding Cycle
FY2025/2026 — Housing & Human Services Grant Application
The City of Pleasanton Housing & Human Services Grant (HHSG) Program provide financial support for non-profit, community-based organizations that serve Pleasanton and Tri-Valley residents. The mission statement for the program is simple: “to enhance the quality of life in Pleasanton”. The grant program provides funding for a wide variety of human services, community development and housing projects and programs for individuals and families living in Pleasanton and in the Tri-Valley. Most of the grants are focused on activities that benefit lower income residents.
In the upcoming fiscal year (2025-2026), Pleasanton is estimating to provide funding to projects and programs including: Medical visits and health care access for the uninsured; child abuse prevention services; meals and supportive services for seniors; mental health care; substance abuse counseling; domestic violence and homeless shelters; rental assistance for job training participants; fair housing counseling and tenant-landlord services; housing rehabilitation for low income homeowners; and many more including capital improvement projects.
Non-profit, community-based organizations interested in applying for HHSG program funds must submit their project or program application(s) online through ZoomGrants.
The online application in ZoomGrants will be available from November 25, 2024 through January 17, 2025.
ZoomGrants applications are due on Friday, January 17, 2025 at 4 p.m.
Late applications will not be reviewed for funding. There will be no exceptions.
FY2025/26 Virtual Grant Application Workshop PowerPoint Slides
Tri-Valley Grants Workshop for FY 2025/26 Zoom Meeting Recording
Please direct any questions to Steve Hernandez, Housing Manager via email or at (925) 931-5007.
Current Funding Cycle
Information for the current or most recent grant application and funding cycle:
Reference Documents for Current Grantees
The following links provide useful reference information for agencies that have already received an HHSG grant:
- 2024 Eastern Alameda County Human Services Needs Assessment
- 24 CFR Part 135 – Econ. Opportunities For Low-Income Persons
- 24 CFR Part 44 – Non-Federal Government Audit Requirements
- 24 CFR Part 570 – Community Development Block Grants
- Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 (Federal Prevailing Wage)
- DUNS – What is a DUNS Number?
- Federal Income Compliance Monitoring Checklist
- Nixon Memorandum About Government Patent Policy (1971)
- OMB Circular A-110 – Uniform Administrative Requirements
- OMB Circular A-122 – General Accounting Principles
- OMB Circular A-133 – Audits of States, Local Govts and Nonprofits
- SAM (System for Award Management) [replaced CCR 7/29/2012]
- SAM (System for Award Management) FAQs
- Section 3 of HUD Act of 1968
HHSG Program
The City of Pleasanton’s Housing and Human Services Grant (HHSG) program is funded through four (4) separate funding sources, with specific priorities and restrictions:
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds
- HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) Funds
- City Lower Income Housing Funds for Housing
- City General Funds for Human Services (formerly “City Grant”)
Each funding source has individual objectives and eligible activities listed in the HHSG FY2025/2026 Application Packet. The following general policies are applicable to all funding sources within the HHSG program:
- At least 75% of program participants must be low-income. (80% or less of the Area Median Income or AMI)
- Agencies receiving funding cannot discriminate in the selection of clients or proselytize when providing services. Applications for HHSG funding must meet at least one of the goals or priorities in each of the following categories:
-City of Pleasanton Consolidated Plan Goals and Guiding Principles
-U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Strategic Goals and Policy Priorities
-2024 Eastern Alameda County Human Services Needs Assessment
Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program
The U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) provides entitlement jurisdictions such as Pleasanton an annual allocation of federal CDBG funds that the City utilizes to address a wide range of community development needs. In order to continue to receive this annual funding, the City is required to prepare a long term, Five-Year Consolidated Plan that establishes the strategies for addressing the City’s priority needs as well as the funding priorities for the City’s CDBG and Home Investment Partnership (HOME) programs. The current Consolidated Plan covers the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2024.
HUD also requires the City to annually submit two additional critical documents related to the Consolidated Plan:
- The Annual Action Plans that describe the projects that the City proposes to undertake in each and every fiscal year covered in the Consolidated Plan and
- The Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Reports (CAPERs) that assess the City’s performance in meeting the goals, objectives and actions proposed under its Annual Action Plans and Consolidated Plan.
HUD Recognition of Pleasanton’s CDBG Program
The City of Pleasanton has been honored by HUD with the John J. Gunther, Blue Ribbon Best Practices award for the City’s administration of its federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.
- The City was selected following a comprehensive analysis of all communities receiving funding from HUD.
- Pleasanton received its award in the area of subrecipient monitoring inasmuch as the City uses a substantial amount of its CDBG funding to support subrecipient agencies that provide housing and services to low-income Pleasanton residents.
- The City was recognized for its accomplishments in developing standardized procedures for monitoring, assisting and improving the performance of subrecipient agencies.

Note: It is illegal for any housing provider to discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, physical handicap, marital status, sexual preference or religion. If you have been unlawfully discriminated against, or you have questions about your rights, contact ECHO Housing at (510) 581-9380 or (925) 449-7340.