Department Overview

We provide personnel management and labor relations support to all city departments. Human Resources recruits, retains and develops a highly qualified, diverse workforce. The City of Pleasanton is an equal opportunity employer of over 400 individuals, dedicated to providing excellent service to the citizens of Pleasanton. The Human Resources Department is divided into the following teams:

  • Employee Benefits 
  • Employee and Labor Relations
  • Recruitment and Selection 
  • Classification and Compensation
  • Training and Organizational Development
  • Workers’ Compensation and Workplace Safety

Department Staff

Xaviera Scoggins
Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations
200 Old Bernal Avenue (Modular)
Pleasanton, CA 94566-0802
Phone: (925) 931-5052
Fax: (925) 931-5488

Recruitment and Selection
Robert Sanchez
Human Resources Coordinator
(925) 931-5060

Technical Services
Sonia Berrios (Temporary)
Human Resources Coordinator
(925) 931-5058

Jenica Zamora (Limited-Term)
Human Resources Technician
(925) 931-5059

Employee Benefits and Retirement
Dona Ilao
Human Resources Coordinator
(925) 931-5055

Classification and Compensation
Sandra Williams
Management Analyst
(925) 931-5043

Workers’ Compensation and Ergonomics
Brittany Hassebrock
Human Resources Coordinator
(925) 931-5053

Verifications of Employment
(925) 931-5048