Key Initiatives

The City of Pleasanton’s key initiatives represent focused and purposeful actions to achieve specific goals, drive progress and create positive changes in their respective areas. In general, key initiatives refer to major programs, policies, or projects undertaken by the City to fulfill its responsibilities and deliver services to the public. Initiatives can cover a wide range of areas, such as the strategic plan, water conservation and mental health.

Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan will create a vision for the city’s future and drive the design and implementation of projects and programs. The plan will establish a framework for monitoring and evaluating progress towards goals and objectives.

Learn more about the Strategic Plan.

Climate Action Plan

The City of Pleasanton’s Council approved 2019-2020 Work Plan includes preparation of an updated Climate Action Plan (CAP 2.0). The City’s original CAP was adopted in 2012 and outlines local actions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, enhance environmental sustainability and prepare for climate change.

Learn more about the Climate Action Plan.

Water Conservation

Water conservation is a key aspect of sustainability, even in times of water abundance. The City offers a variety of programs, incentives and water saving tips for both residents and businesses.

Learn more about Water Conservation.

Mental Health

Mental health initiatives refer to various efforts and actions taken to promote mental wellbeing, support individuals experiencing mental health challenges and raise awareness about mental health issues.

Learn more about the Mental Health initiatives.