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The City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is responsible for administration of the City’s Capital Improvement projects. This includes budgeting and management of the design and construction of various city projects throughout the year.
The CIP budget is approved by City Council and guides the City’s schedule of budgeted infrastructure improvements. This document is arranged by project category (i.e., Transportation and Streets, Parks, Miscellaneous, Water and Sewer). Project description sheets, which provide a project description and project justification as well as cost and funding information, are included for each funded project in all five project categories in the sections highlighted by project tabs.
Access the CIP Budget here: Current CIP Budget and Capital Improvement Plan
Current Projects
- CIP Notification Map-Bernal and Vineyard Area
- CIP Notification Map – Hopyard Area
- Pavement Management Program
The City’s roadwork page where you can find out if your street is on this year’s list for an upgrade and learn all about the City’s Pavement Management Program. Almost 1.3 million square feet of streets will be treated this year. - West Las Positas Reconstruction
The City of Pleasanton adopted an update to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan in 2018. The updated Master Plan includes provisions to make the city more pedestrian and bicycle friendly by adopting a low-stress “all ages and abilities” infrastructure that can be used by the entire population. - 2024 Geotechnical Hazard Abatement District (GHAD) Maintenance Project
- Community Development Department Projects
- Traffic Engineering Projects
Out for Bid
The City of Pleasanton provides a PDF copy of plans and specifications for Capital Improvement Projects at our Bids page.
Submitting a Bid
If you are interested in a particular project, contact the City of Pleasanton Engineering Department at (925) 931-5650 to be included on the plan holders list to receive notification of plan updates and addendums for that project.
Plans, Specifications and all Bid Proposal and Contract Documents may be obtained at the Engineering Counter of the City of Pleasanton, 200 Old Bernal Avenue, Pleasanton, CA 94566.
Please pay special attention to the instructions to bidders and notice to bidders to ensure compliance with City of Pleasanton’s bid procedures and time frame of bidding.