Eco Friendly Lawn Conversion (EFLC) Rebate

Replace your front lawn using ecologically safe methods and receive a rebate! By converting your lawn to plants suited for our climate, you can save time and money while conserving water and providing long term benefits to the environment. 

Customers who follow the below best landscaping practices and are participating in the Zone 7 Water Agency Lawn Conversion program, can receive up to $2,575 in rebates:

  • Sheet Mulching: a zero waste way to smother the lawn and replenish soil (rather than physical removal of lawn or appliance of chemicals to kill off lawn)
  • Plant a few California Natives: install beautiful plants that are suited for our climate, soil and animals!
  • Add compost and mulch to replenish soil further.
  • Plant during cool season, between September and February.

Customers can receive up to $2,575 (Residential) or $10,000 (Commercial/Irrigation) by participating in both programs! (See program Terms and Conditions).

Funding is limited, and based on a first-come, first-served basis.

How To Apply

There are no retroactive rebates. All projects must be approved and provided a Notice to Proceed from Zone 7 or the City of Pleasanton prior to removal of the lawn to be converted.

To apply for this rebate program, please submit the following items to waterconservation@cityofpleasantonca.gov or via our contact form here:

  1. City of Pleasanton Eco-Friendly Lawn Conversion Rebate Application
  2. Zone 7 Water-Efficient Lawn Conversion Application
  3.  Plant List Worksheet
  4.  Landscape drawing (does not need to be professionally done, hand drawn on paper is fine!)

EFLC Project Resources

Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership (SSQP) is offering three great “How to Videos” for home gardeners addressing garden pest prevention, rainwater harvesting, and sheet mulching for healthy soil.

  • Hire a Qualified ReScape Landscape Professional! ReScape professionals have completed a comprehensive training program and use a sustainable, holistic approach to the design and management of your landscape. They work with nature to conserve water and soil, reduce waste, and prevent pollution–creating a landscape that is as healthy as it is beautiful!

Pool Cover Rebate!

It’s common that pool water tends to evaporate quickly in hot summer months, requiring frequent refills. That’s why keeping your pool covered saves water. In addition to saving water, now you can even get up to $100 rebate for installing a new pool cover!

Controller Assistance Program

Need advice on how much and when to water your landscape? The City is offering free irrigation controller consultations to residential and non-residential water customers. This service includes:

In-Person Appointments:

  • A walk-through site/irrigation system evaluation of your landscape’s watering needs.
  • Irrigation controller programming assistance.
The Controller Assistance Program is open to all water customers with landscaping that are responsible for the property water bill. Home occupants that are not the homeowner must provide signed consent and waiver from the homeowner. Explore these online resources for more information on how to save water in your yard: Interested customers with questions can contact the City’s Water Conservation Department at (925) 931-5525 or via our contact form.

Weather-Based Irrigation Controller Rebate

In conjunction with Zone 7, Pleasanton offers Weather-Based Irrigation Controller Rebates up to $75 for single-family residences, and up to $100 for multi-family residences. The maximum rebate for non-residential properties is up to 50% of the cost of the new controller, with a maximum rebate of $3,000.

Non-residential customers: Only one rebate per water account number. For example, if your property has three water account numbers, you can apply for three controllers on one rebate application.

Water-Efficient Irrigation Rebate for Irrigation Customers

Reduce outdoor water use and promote a healthy and attractive landscape by improving watering efficiency through the installation of water-efficient irrigation hardware.

Irrigation meter customers participating in the City of Pleasanton’s Water-Efficient Landscape Program are eligible for rebates towards qualifying water-efficient irrigation equipment utilized on the converted landscape area. Qualifying equipment includes rain sensors, pressure regulating devices and rotary nozzles. See Terms and Conditions for full details.

Free Indoor Water-Efficient Device Program

Was your home built before 1994? Have you not remodeled since? If so, your home is likely equipped with inefficient water fixtures.

Stop by the Customer Service Center at 3333 Busch Road to pick up water-efficient shower heads (limit 3) and bathroom aerators (limit 3).

While you’re here, pick up free toilet dye strips to check for toilet leaks.

High Efficiency Clothes Washer

In cooperation with Zone 7, you can receive a rebate of up to $200 for the qualifying purchase and installation of an Energy Star Most Efficient labeled high-efficiency clothes washer.

Find out all the details for the high efficiency clothes washer rebate.

Rebates are limited and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. This program is subject to change or end without prior notice. 

Free Water Conservation Lavatory Sign

Commercial customers can request these easy-to-use water conservation clings (non-stick) for lavatory mirrors. These signs help remind customers and employees to be mindful of water waste. Sign requests can be made by calling (925) 931-5515 or contacting the Water Conservation department.