Free Compost Hub

The City of Pleasanton is piloting a self-haul compost program that offers free compost for Pleasanton residents to pick up every Friday-Sunday, from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., as weather conditions and availability permits. The compost is first-come, first-served and City staff cannot guarantee availability of compost.
When: Friday-Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Where: City of Pleasanton Bernal Property, 550 Laguna Creek Ln, Pleasanton, CA 94566
To pick up compost, you should bring your own shovel and container to collect materials yourself. Staff will not be available onsite. The site will close during periods of rain or post rain conditions.
Adding compost to your soil will improve your gardening. Healthy gardens grow from healthy soil. The compost available is SB1383 compliant, high quality for gardening and free to residents, which models the concept of a circular economy, where organics is used in a cycle that turns “waste” back into new flowers, fruit or vegetables. This process helps to keep organic materials from emitting greenhouse gasses in the landfill and creates opportunities to use these nutrient-rich resources to regenerate our soils. Visit Using Compost | StopWaste – Home, Work, School for best practice information on the use of compost.
For large landscape projects, SB138 compliant compost and mulch vendors can be found on the website.
Staff contact: Lillian Bustos at (925) 931-5013