Access materials at other libraries! To search LINK+:
Items not found, or items currently unavailable in Pleasanton’s catalog, may be borrowed from other libraries using the LINK+ service. LINK+ is a consortium of public and academic libraries owning 19,000,000+ items.
- Item availability is determined by the owning institution
- In most cases, items will arrive within 3-5 business days
- You must have a library card to place requests
- Loan period is 21 days
- There is no fee for placing a LINK+ request
- Replacement cost for a LINK+ item is $115.00 and applicable overdue fines
Purchase Suggestions
If you’d like the library to purchase a certain book, DVD, or CD audiobook, you can submit a “Purchase Suggestion” using one of the following methods.Submit a Purchase Suggestion from the Mobile App
If you have our mobile app, tap My Borrowing at the bottom of the screen, then Suggested purchases. On the next screen tap Add Suggestion and fill out the form.
Submit a Purchase Suggestion from a Desktop Browser
- Search the BiblioCommons catalog to see if the title you want is on order. If not, you’ll need to log in to your account to submit your suggestion.
- Click here to log in to your account (opens in new tab).
- After you log in, click your Username or Barcode in the upper right corner to expand the menu, then click My Library Dashboard.
- Scroll down and click Submit a Suggestion on the left side of the screen.
- Enter the title information in the online form.
- You can submit up to five suggestions per month.
- You will receive a response regarding the status of your request once the suggestion has been reviewed by staff.
- For rare, out-of-print and specialized titles, search our inter-library loan service LINK+.
- The library automatically purchases all new titles by these authors and contributors. These titles can generally be found in the library catalog two to three months prior to publication. You may still submit suggestions for titles by these authors, which will help the library know how many copies to order, but holds will not be placed on your behalf for newly published titles by these authors.