Get a Library Card

Library Cards are free to all residents of California! To apply for a Library Card, access your Library Account, view items and due dates and manage holds and renewals, click here.
California residents can register for an eCard online or sign up for a Library Card in person. By registering for an eCard, you have instant access to our digital resources. Your eCard remains active for 30 days until you visit the Library and bring one item listed below to complete your registration and get your new Library Card.
If you prefer, you may also fill out a printable Library Card Application Form. Please bring one of the following items with your photo and current address to pick up your card:
- California driver’s license
- U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Green Card
- California ID card
- U.S. Passport
- Student ID Card
If you do not have a photo identification listing a current address, one of the following may be used (for address verification only):
- Utility bill with name and current address
- Rent receipt or proof of ownership papers
- Imprinted bank checks
- Mail addressed to you at the indicated address
- If you have identification (but cannot verify your current address at this time), we will mail you a library card. When the card arrives, bring the card back to the Library to set up your account.
Younger borrowers under 14 years of age must have a parent or legal guardian provide identification to register for a card.