Garbage & Recycling

Garbage and recycling management is a vital aspect of maintaining a clean and sustainable city. Implementing efficient waste disposal systems and promoting recycling initiatives play a pivotal role in preserving the environment and fostering a healthier, greener community for all residents. 

Pleasanton residents must subscribe and participate in the City’s garbage and recycling curbside collection service provided by Pleasanton Garbage Service.

Just Moved? Contact Pleasanton Garbage Service to start your service.

For questions about service, recycling, billing, missed pick-ups and missing containers:
Call (925) 846-2042 or
Visit the Pleasanton Garbage Service website.

recycle bins

Garbage & Recycling Service

Residential garbage service includes a bundled service which includes your choice of a 35 or 96 gallon cart.

Black Cart – Garbage
Green Cart – Food and plant waste (compost)
Blue Cart – Mixed recyclables  

View Rate Sheet

alameda county stop waste logo

Curbside Guide

Residents must sort out their recyclables and food and plant waste from the trash. For a list of what goes where visit the RE:Source curbside guide.

Residential Recycling

Together, let’s make a positive impact on the environment and create a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come. Start recycling now and be part of the solution! 

Learn More About Our Compost and Recycling Laws

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food green waste banner
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Cash Payments for Recyclables

Learn more about our California Cash for Recyclables program, locations and other details. Cash for Recyclables Information

There are 1,246 recycling centers statewide that buy back empty California Refund Value (CRV) beverage containers. Most beverages sold in glass, plastic, or metal (other than milk, wine, and distilled spirits) are subject to CRV. Beverage Container Recycling Centers (

recycling truck

April is Earth Month – Discover, Connect, and Steward with us!

Residents often ask whether Pleasanton recycles. The answer is a resounding YES! 

Everyday is Earth Day web page

Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Services

SB 1383 requires the City to implement garbage Collection programs, meat Processing Facility requirements, conduct contamination monitoring, provide education, maintain records, submit reports, monitor compliance, conduct enforcement, and fulfill other requirements; and, the City has chosen to delegate these waste collection responsibilities to Pleasanton Garbage Services through a Franchise agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Services.

The resolution and full agreement can be found here:
Resolution and Franchise Agreement with Pleasanton Garbage Services.

For Additional City Support

If you require further assistance about garbage, recycling, local drop-off locations & more:
Call (925) 931-5500